Detailed information about the race

Bib number

You can get your bib number at the IHK at following times:

Friday, 08/01/2025:        12.00pm – 07.00pm
Saturday, 08/02/2025:  11.00am – 04.00pm

You have to hand in your red race bag for the run here. There will be no possibility to hand in the red bag at transition zone 1.


Bike Check-In

The bike check- in is on saturday at following times:

10.00am – 12.00pm short and sprint distance
12.00pm – 03.00pm middle distance and swim&bike
03.00pm – 07.00pm olympic distance

And on sunday at following times:

5.30am – 6.30am middle, swim&bike, short and sprint distance
8.00am – 9.00am olympic distance

If you check in your bike on sunday, you still need to hand in your red race bag when you get your bib number!
You need to check in your bike, helmet and bib number. Do not forget to fill up your drinking bottle on the bike before check in. A security service is watching the area.


Race Briefing

The race briefing is held at the IHK at following times:

Friday, 08/042023: 07.30pm
Saturday, 08/05/2023: 10.00am, 1.00pm, 4.00pm

You can also find the race briefing online at:
Watching/reading the race briefing is obligit.


Transition Zone 1 (Langener Waldsee)

The transition zone 1 opens on sunday at 5.30am. Every athlete brings their blue race bag with the bike equipment by himself and puts it next to the spot of his bib number. This cannot be later than 20 minutes before the race begins. After leaving the water, the athletes have to pass the tent to get to the transition zone 1. All swim equipment has to be stowed in the blue race bag. You can leave the bag at the drop off zone, our team will bring it to transition zone 2 automatically. In case you are wearing a neoprene suit you are allowed to pull it half off to the hip before you get to the official transition zone.


Rules about neopren suits

The rules about wearing neopren suits are based on the regulations of the german trithlon union (DTU-Sportordnung). On the middle distance, swim&bike and olympic distance it is forbidden to wear a neopren suit at a water temperature of 24,6°C. For the short and sprint distance the limit is 22,0°C (except for athletes aged older than 60 years. They are allowed to wear a neo until 24,6°C are approached). 


Transition Zone 2 (Roßmarkt)

After arriving in transition zone 2 you have to push your bike until a volunteer leads you to a place where to park it. Attention: Do not take off your helmet before racking your bike! Nothing can be left at the bike except shoes which are mounted on the bike. At transition zone 2 you receive your red race bag with your running equipment. (Attention: It is not possible to hand in this bag at the day of the race!) You have to hand it in when you get your bib number. Sunday we will not accept red race bags at transition zone 1. All athletes can change in the tent, leave their bike equipment in the red race bag and bring it to the drop-off zone.



On all 4 distances the swim start is a rolling start. All athletes stand up behind the starting line, every 5 seconds 3 athletes can enter the water. The individual race times start to count right after the athlete crossed the starting line, which means the moment you can enter the water does not matter. As well the olympic and middle distance race has a top 100 group (golden and siver swim cap) which starts together before the other competitors enter the water by the rolling start.


Finisher Area

The athletes pass the church “St. Katharinenkirche” and finish the race at “Hauptwache”. The finisher area is open until 2.00pm. Until then everybody has to have finished the course.



Middle distance (start: 6.30am)
swimming = 75 minutes / bike course: Friedensbrücke = 11.30am / 4th round at Schwanheimer Brücke (km 68) = 12.30pm / finish = 2.00pm

Olympic distance (start: 9.35am)
swimming = 1 hour / bike course: Friedensbrücke = 11.30am / 2nd round at Schwanheimer Brücke (km 33) = 12.30pm / finish = 2.00pm

Sprint distance (start: 9am)
swimming = 35 minutes / bike course: Friedensbrücke = 11.30am / 1st round Schwanheimer Brücke (km 18,5) = 12.30pm / finish = 2.00pm

Short distance (start: 8.00am)
swimming = 20 minutes / bike course: Friedensbrücke = 9.15am / finish: 10.00am


Time Measurement

The time is measured in real time. This happens by a transponder chip, which every athlete receives at the bike check in. The chip has to be fixed on the left ankle. It comes with a chip-band to fix it. The time is measured at the start and finish, as well as at some checkpoints on the race course. You can find your finisher-certificate on the following day online:


Transponder Return

Every athlete has to return the transponder chip during the check out. In case of loss you have to pay 35 euro. If there is any reason you cannot return the transponder chip after the race, you can send it by post to the adress of the event-organiser.


Food and Drink

Please fill up your drinking bottle before the race! There will be 2 aid stations on the running course and one on the bike course only for the middle
distance. At these stations the athletes can get water, ULTRASports and fruit. In the finisher area we offer water, ULTRASports and non-alcoholic beer as well as fruit and cake for every athlete.

Race bag after the race

The black race bag is for your after race clothing. You can drop it off at transition zone 1 before the race and get it back at the IHK/Alte Börse. Please do not put in valuable items. The organiser will not assume any liability. You can put your clothes from the morning in there.


Bike Check-Out

The bike check out for short distance is between 10 – 11am and 2.15 – 4pm. For all other athletes competing, they can get their bikes back between 2.15pm to 4pm.


Triathlon Expo

There will be a small triathlon expo at Hauptwache near the finish line at following times:

Friday: 12.00pm – 6.00pm
Saturday: 10.00am – 6.00pm
Sunday: 9.00am – 4.00pm


Award ceremonies

The award ceremony is held at Hauptwache at the stage near the finish line. At 2:15pm the Top3 of all distances and the Top 3 of all agegroups will be awarded.



You can shower at the nearby Fitness First stores. You´ll find the exact adress at your bib number.


Relay Race

The relays have their own transition zones. They do not get any race bags, the clothes have to be given to the relay partner.